Hall of Fame


Every organisation has members to whom it owes a special debt of gratitude. The SDC is no exception, and below we have listed those people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in efforts to help the club:

Founding President (2008-2010): Scott Charles

“El presidente” was the founding member of the Scottish Ducati Club, and is responsible for many of the club protocols, not least the club salute!

Membership Secretary: Lynn Fox

Lynn oversaw membership of the SDC at a time of great expansion and arranged for the SDC to participate in the Edinburgh Cavalcade.

Secretary (2009-10) then                          President (2011-13, 2021-23): Mary Gibson

A member from day one, Mary oversaw expansion of the club and formed important relationships with Ducati UK and Ducati Bologna.

Committee member (2012) then Treasurer (2013-16, 2021-24): Derek Blackie

A member of the club since day 1 (even before it was an official DOC)  Derek was one of the founding members of the official DOC in 2008 and also the club technical/mechanical guru who joined the committee in 2012 as classic coordinator and then took over as Treasurer in 2013.

Michael Bonney (RIP)

Walter Gibson (RIP)

Miles Gilmour (Has looked after the website and email provision since the beginning)

Robin Brown (For providing stickers and artwork)