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Scottish Ducati Club


The Scottish Ducati Club was formed in early 2008 and now has a membership of over one hundred and twenty, with good participation levels at our regular events, both rideouts and socials.

We are a friendly and sociable club of Ducati enthusiasts, operating with the minimum of formality and the maximum of enjoyment in our passion for Ducatis. Whether your interest is in racing events, rideouts, classics or just the social aspect of meeting up with friendly fellow enthusiasts it does not matter – if you like Ducatis then Scottish Ducati Club is the only active club in Scotland where you will find what you need.

The main aim of the club is to encourage an active community of Ducati enthusiasts in Scotland, based upon an informal, sociable and democratic approach. It is a club run by the members for the members. We are still evolving and always welcome new ideas. Check out our events page for more information on what we are getting up to. Feel free to come along and see for yourself.

The 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting took place on Saturday 24th February.

President  – Robbie Thomson

Welcomed members to the meeting and gave a report explaining the new membership number system which has been introduced this year which has been necessary so that members can show that their membership is current when claiming for a discount from those businesses who are now offering discounts to club members; so far Performance motorcycles (Kirkintilloch), Delizioso Café (Buckhaven) and Richmond Racing (Paisley). These and future deals  will be communicated to members in due course in monthly the newsletter and Facebook with intention of using advertising features for the businesses.


Treasurer – Derek Blackie

Reported that the club is currently in a good financial position (annual accounts displayed on overhead) with a surplus of funds and capable of ongoing business as a club with sufficient funds to meet liabilities.  Current cash in bank £4323.00.

Members agreed that they were happy with the financial report and level of club funds.


Secretary – Nigel Rattray

Welcomed members to the AGM and apologised for being new in the role as he had only come to post after Neil Downie stepped down last autumn. The current membership of 84 is down form last year. Possible reasons for this were put forward and various methods to promote the club were discussed: Stickers & cards, approaching used bike dealers and trying to attract more discount offers.


Committee Roles

At the beginning of this year David McGinn offered to lend a hand and was co-opted onto the committees as a member without portfolio.  It was noted that we have a Vice-President vacancy and have been unable to fill it. Vacancy was created by the need for Robbie Thomson to step up to the position of President.  The Vice-President roll allowed transfer within the committee to keep the club going by a committee member that understands the functions and operations required to operate the club.  It was stated that the position of Vice-President really needs to be taken on by someone that has served at committee level, to have reasonable knowledge of club operations.  This role requires a minimum of attending a monthly committee meeting.

There was a vote to decide; should the VP role be retained/create dual role or remove the role.  Members unanimously agreed to keep the Vice President’s role and that the club should seek to fill the role asap by asking all members for a volunteer.


Voting for the Committee

President Robbie Thomson asked the meeting to vote on this year’s committee members and called for any new volunteers. There were none.

He indicated that the current committee would stand again and that a vote be taken. Jim Clark proposed current committee continues seconded by Brian Hambly. The vote was unanimous.


SDC Club Constitution. 

Subject to a member raising the point that section 2 mentions 5 office bearers and section 9 of the constitution mentions 4 office bearers.

9. Members bringing the club into disrepute may be expelled from the club at the discretion of the 4 office bearers, by a majority decision, following complaints from fellow members.

Proposed changes to constitution section 9 shall read.

9. Members bringing the club into disrepute may be expelled from the club at the discretion of the office bearers, by a majority decision, following complaints from fellow members.

Proposed change to constitution adding new section.

15. Members of the club can, only amend or change the club constitution at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote.

The changes approved with a majority vote.
Membership Fees

There was some discussion about how surplus funds could be used to benefit the members. It was agreed that the club should look at providing T-shirts with there club logo that could be available to members at a subsidised price.

It was agreed by a unanimous vote that the membership fee should remain at £10.


Report by Events Organiser
Jon said that for this year he has made a great effort to organise an event calendar as early as possible, so members can plan ahead for them and with no clashes with the MotoGP calendar. There are events planned for every month except November, as the Anstruther event has had difficulties with the weather so has been moved to the end of October, and of course many folk lay the bikes up for winter at the 31st October.


The Highland Fling currently has 16 places booked but the Midgie Masher needs more places booked to break even.

He was also concerned that only 2 bikes so far had been offered for the Festival of Motoring Event.
(Since the AGM Jon now has enough bikes for our stand at the show but would like someone to offer a Multistrada for display.)

He is hopeful that more use can be made of the WhatsApp groups for members to arrange meeting points and runs to socials.

Jim Clark brought up discussion about the possibility of events to coincide with larger event put on by Ducati UK, Ducati Italy and other foreign clubs. He said that the Irish meeting they had last year was very successful.


There was no other business discussed.

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The club has two main events throughout the year, but there’s something going on every month.

See all the events

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